Loose not tight

As you know, my neighbor and friend , Lorie Topinka, and I paint every Friday. She updates our adventures on www.capillasma.org.

This past Friday we visited Vivienda de Arriba and found Capilla de Senor Ecco Homo. We painted plein air while many caballeros came riding through the town on their way home from several days at St. Martin.

St. Martin has become one of the most familiar and recognizable Christian saints and he is honored in the Roman Catholic Church on November 11th of each year. In Central Mexico, St. Martin’s Feast is an annual religious celebration and pilgrimage of thousands on horseback coming from all four corners of the state of Guanajuato as well as the neighboring ones to receive special blessings for both horse and rider after the long trek.

      Capilla de Senor Ecce Homo

This painting I did on site.

However, I was not happy with the tightness of the piece. The front stone wall was also too dark. So I painted the scene again at home.

Personally, I am happier with the looseness and lightness of this painting.

Below is a little painting of children which I found endearing and could not pass up the chance to paint.