All good…..super succesful Plein Air Festival New paintings and workshops

To view wrap ups of the festivals visit…


Next year ‘s  Festival is already in the planning for  November 6/7/8/9


I have been actively participating in competitions around the world shared on the IWS  site  :The International Watercolor Society SMA at Galeria San Francisco .   Works are on exhibition in India, Mexico and the states.

I am thoroughly enjoying zoom classes with Janine Galizzia. Her mentoring has helped my sales in the gallery.

Enjoy the holidays. Treat yourself to a watercolor workshop.

Here are new paintings and schedules..

However, February and March are full






All Good… River Cruise, magazine coverage and plein air festival


The Plein Air Festival  is soon here. If you can, do sign up.  It is a wonderful event,  fun to paint and meet artists from around the world.


Life in San Miguel continúes to be exciting and satisfying.

I was just published in a french magazine with assistance from my painting mentor, Janine gallezia.


We have reurned from a river cruise Amsterdam to Vienna which afforded me many lovely vistas to paint and enjoy. some were sold , some were gifts.

My once a  month classes fill up quickly.

Join us when you can.




Trip to Maine and Plein Air Festival


IWS San Miguel de Allende third year annual Plein Air Festival is around the córner: November 7/8/9/10.

Super cash prises and  art materials.

Enrollment is limited and filling fast. It is a great event with artists from, around the world, demos, events for kids, and a gala reception for artists..

Travel + Leisure has revealed its survey results for 2024, listing the 25 Best Cities in the World and San Miguel de Allende Mexico has won once again the #1 Spot
Cities were specifically rated on the criteria below:
Don’t miss the oportunity to live this artistic and sensorial experience in a dream city where you not only will enjoy the great experience of Plenair painting , …. You will share this experience with great people , great places, great food and great culture in a professional organized watercolor event with the advisory of IWS México
Travel + Leisure ha revelado los resultados de su encuesta para 2024, en la que se enumeran las 25 mejores ciudades del mundo y San Miguel de Allende, México, ha ganado una vez más el puesto número 1.
Las ciudades se calificaron específicamente según los siguientes criterios:
Lugares de interés
No pierdas la oportunidad de vivir esta experiencia artística y sensorial en una ciudad de ensueño donde no solo disfrutarás de la gran experiencia de pintar al aire libre, …. Compartirás esta experiencia con grandes personas, grandes lugares, gran comida y gran cultura en un evento de acuarela profesionalmente organizado con el apoyo de IWS México






We just returned to Mexico from 2 weeks in Maine. I had a chance to paint almost everyday. In between feasting with family on lobsters and clams, haddock and shrimp, visits to local preserves offered lovely vistas to paint.

These Maine paintings above are  with my agent in Rockland.

class for August are 26/27/28th


These other paintings are in competitions around the world with International Watercolor Society. I was just selected for Olympia Art  Competition in India with painting below..



In September I will be painting  in Europe.

Be well



Plein Air Festival and art opening…


2023 was our second annual PleinAir Festival and it was a huge success..

The sponsors and prizes and talent were amazing.

We worked as an excellent team:

Tere Lejero

Irina Yushmanova

Cesar Gordillo

Efren Gonzalez

We are ready to plan for next year…November..bigger and better



My winter transitión classes begin in January. I have many return students and several new. I keep the classes small to allow individualized instruction. I have 2 openings now for the class.


I have freed my March class schedule  to allow Efren Gonzalez a workshop in

our gallery. He is fantastic and I will take the class as well.


My opening in Ocotober was quite successful and I, gracias adiós,  had many sales.

I continue to study with Janine Galliza and Tim Wilmot. We continue to work with International watercolor Society ( and submit works for international recognition.


I am mentoring 2 young art students with theJovenes Adelante program and enjoy painting with them when we go out for plein air.


Have a fabulous new year and keep painting!



Memories of Egypt


We just retruned from a wonderful trip to Egypt, sailing down the Nile and then visiting Dubai.  We learned so much and enjoyed allthe sites. On the off day I was able to capture some vistas and paitings. I especially like the row of tourists in “Valley of the Kings.”

I am excited about my opening this Saturday  and the Plein Air Festival November 9-12


Exciting things happening on all fronts

Two exciting things are happening in our art world.

#1 I have a show opening in the Galeria San Francisco the end of October. Reception will be October 28th and I would love to see you all there.

These are a few of the paintings that will be on exhibit and for sale.

All are 18 x24 matted and framed.



Fabrica aurora













This summer in Maine we spent 2 lovely weeks painting, eating and painting.

These are the paintings from last summer. All available for sale as well.



August 2020

Well, times have certainly changed. For many artists, the creative spirit was thrown off kilter with the stress and worry of our new lifestyle and situation. It was exactly the same for me; it took several months until I felt strong enough to go into the studio and resume painting. We closed down on March 13th and I started painting again  sometime in May.

Online classes with Tim Wilmot and Gary Tucker have been my motivating forces. I watch their demos and then find a subject matter that is personal to me and apply what has been covered to a new motif. Below are total results of several recent months of painting. I have missed plein aire as I miss my painting partners; they are in Boise, Tuscon and Whidbey Island. I remain comfortably ensconced in San Miguel de Allende where the weather here is warm and lovely with rain in the evenings.

All of these works are matted  20×24 watercolor on Arches 140 pound paper.


These works  will also be featured on the Galeria San Francisco website available for purchase with possible shipping arrangments.


I hope you enjoy these new works. I shall continue to paint everyday taking joy in the meditative process and concentration. I wish you all well. If you have any questions, please contact me. Be safe and optimistic. Until next,



July in Maine,wonderful new classes,and third book in the making


Our annual trips to Maine to paint are a must. This year we visited Scarborough and found many hidden, ideal places to visit and paint. The park at Portland Head is lovely.

Portland Head Lighthouse
Maine coast
Maine Coast


July began another series of successful classes. Since the majority were returning students, they were pushed even further in their artistic journey by painting themes such as food,water, animals.


Isabel class


Conrad classNovell class

Lorie and are are working on the third book about secret gardens in and around San Miguel. These are a few recent shots of the process of finding a site, using the sketch book and beginning to paint. We are painting every Friday.





Finally, new classes are coming up in August. Class is almost full. This month the theme will be everything Mexican: Mexican toys, food, old photos and San Miguel in the rain!  Join us!


advertising flyer JUlySondr classMexican MOnet

May Works

May has been full and busy ( and warm). I have a show coming up at  Galeria San Francisco in December so I have been painting almost everyday. Fridays are still reserved to paint with Lorie for our third book, Secret Gardens of San Miguel. Below is an example of one of the garden paintings: “West Garden”. These excursions are enjoyable and challenging and it will be a wonderful book. Our second book, Travels Along the Laja; Snippets of Paintable History is at the editor now.  Do check out Lorie’s blog, and subscribe to see our Friday adventures.

I am taking June off to paint in Maine and Vermont.

Classes at the wonderful new studio resume in full in July. I like to keep the classes small and they fill up quickly. I offer a very nice discount for returning students.

Examples of new paintings are below. If one catches your eye, let me know so I can tag it for you before the show. Shipping is available.

Have a wonderful summer. I will share maine/Vermont paintings next month.

I am drooling already for lobster rolls and oysters and clams…




New classes; New book

The very best news is the wonderful new teaching studio space in Galeria San Francisco.

Students and teachers alike are impressed and happy with the light filled room and ample storage.

March and April watercolor classes were full. I like to limit size to under 10 for more individualized instruction. May, June and July are filling up quickly.

You can see photos below of the studio and class in action. All levels are welcome.


2019 flyerA copy

classs tudio


Lessons are sequential: negative space , portraits, floral arrangements and landscapes.

May 14/15/21/22  June 4/5/11/12  July 9/10/16/17  August 13/14/20/21

September 10/11/17/18


My new work includes daisies and portraits as well.

Try to catch the Art Walk at the Fabrica La Aurora this Saturday night.

Our studio has been rehung with fantastic works from all our artists.

mother and child    daiseis

Other exciting and good news is that my painting partner and I are working on our third book!. Hidden Gardens of San Miguel. While I am laying out the second book, we have begun investigating wonderful gardens around the area to paint. We are practicing before we really head out…it is important to find the best season for the garden as well as the best light. We are working with our Drone man, Robert Harper, who will shoot photos of the larger gardens so Lorie can hand draw schematics of the garden designs and show eactly where we both have chosen as our painting perspectives. Please feel free to contact us if you have a garden you think might be included in the book,

These are the first garden paintings; one is my garden and the other is the garden of a friend. The gentleman with the drone is Robert. We make a good team and we have fun!

Hope to see you in my classes soon.



Brock Garden

HArper sittingharper with droneIMG_3819

Remember, Mojiganga prints are always available at Muro Cafe!

IMG_2601smaller mojigangas 1 12 x 18

smaller mojiganga 3 18 x 1214993391_726664517499786_7077440209958173800_n