It has been awhile since my last blog and much has happened. My show, featuring watercolors of San Miguel, Pueblita Precioso, was a very nice success. Sales were very favorable and encouraging. Sold many on opening night.
Soon after we took a break at the beach, Troncones, where I had the pleasure of painting almost everyday with Al Skar.
Several of the plein aire paintings done there found new homes.
I have always been an admirer and friend of Hermes Arroyo, master mojiganga creator.
If you google him, you can read about his creative and interesting life and follow him on facebook. He has a fascinating store on 66 Calle San Francisco.
His work is the inspiration for some new paintings (cups and prints) that celebrate the culture and customs of San Miguel. These sold almost immediately to a collector near Puebla. Prints and cups are available.
So while i continue to indulge in Mojiganga excursions, I have embarked on a new focus;
Antique Mexican toys. These paintings are also popular and several have sold. I enjoy working on composition and value as well as bringing attention to the handmade crafts of Mexico that may be fast disappearing.
Stay in touch. Lorie and I are working on book number 2.
Be well,