Thank you for your interest in joining me on a watercolor adventure. I assure you that you will be more than pleased and proud of your artistic growth and your appreciation of the medium.
The sessions run from 9:30- 3:00 at the San Francisco Annex, which is to the right of the entrance arch of the Fabrica Aurora on Calzada de Aurora. This is an excellent location with easy parking and coffee nearby. . Students who have taken a class session are invited to return as drop ins.
Class Description
In each class, we will explore the medium of watercolor in a relaxing and creative environment with a focus on understanding of basic water coloring fundamentals, if you are a beginner. More advanced students are also welcome in these classes and will find much to benefit from, too!
Using demonstrations and individual critiques, you will learn how to simplify the subject matter through the use of sketches and value studies. The classes will be in a traditional studio setting. In addition, I will introduce you to some wonderful new technology on your iPhone or iPad that will help define and refine your reference photos.
Class Materials
Pato has brush sets, palettes and watercolor sets for sale.
Following is a suggested materials list. Each of you may have your own favorite papers and paints and palettes already. In most cases the materials you already own will work for these classes. However, I would suggest that you have at least one large wash brush and use artist’s quality pigments and 100% cotton rag paper.
This is a check list that you can adapt to supplies that you already have. Here in San Miguel, I like to shop at El Pato for art supplies. El Pato, is located at Margarito Ledesma #19 in Colonia Guadalupe. I have already spoken to the owner, David Salgado Arana, about watercolor blocks, brushes and paints. If you let me know in a timely manner, I can make sure that he orders what is needed for you.
There will be storage space in the Annex classroom, but packaging everything you need in a bag makes it convenient for plein aire excursions and safe keeping.
- A sketchbook : no smaller than 5×7
- An iPad or iPhone with 2 important apps to download on it: Waterlogue (4.99) and Image Blender (3.99)
- Paper – I use Arches or Lana Waterford 140lb Cold Press paper blocks. If you plan to use sheets, then a stretching board will be needed. I use Masonite, or gator board and (Scotch brand) masking tape to affix the paper to the board.
- Drafting or masking tape 1” size
- small spray bottle
- dr. PH Martin’s bleeds proof white
- Clorox sponge
- A watercolor palette. There are many styles to choose from. Make sure the one you have has adequate space for mixing pigments
- Paper towels
Brushes and Paints
- Brushes: You will need a small, medium, and large watercolor brush. I recommend the Escoda Perla and Versatil series short handled rounds No’s 14 and a 1- 3/4″ flat. Treat yourselves to good brushes. I will have extra brushes on hand as well.
- A brush carrier, such as bamboo or cloth roll.
- Paints: I use primarily Daniel Smith Artist’s watercolors. I do not suggest using student grade paint. The only difference between the two types is the amount of pigment used. If you use student-grade, your work will look more washed out.
Note: There are many manufacturers and I have tried most of them. Daniel Smith, Winsor and Newton, Holbein, M. Graham, Rembrandt, are all suitable. But do not buy cake or block colors.
Color Palette
Note: This is only a suggestion, as we can typically make your colors work. Basically, you want a palette of colors that includes a yellow, red, orange, blue, brown and green.
a Yellow: New Gamboge/Naples Yellow/Lemon Yellow
Yellow Ocher
Burnt Umber
Alizarin Crimson
Cadmium Red
Cadmium Orange
Neutral Tint/ Payne’s grey
Cerulan Blue
Cobalt Blue
French Ultramarine
Undersea Green
Greenish Yellow – Holbein
I look forward to meeting you in person. Do not hesitate to contact me with the contact link or